February 18, 2024

Watt4Ever exhibited at the Shifting Economy Week

Watt4Ever (FREE4LIB) was at the Shifting Economy Week on November 21st in the city of Brussels, Belgium.
Between networking events, conferences, and debates on the themes of the economic and environmental transition of Brussels, economic stakeholders of the sector were able to an active take part in this special week organised by Bruxelles Environnement, Hub Brussels, Innoviris and Bruxelles économie et emploi. The Shifting Economy is the economic transition strategy of the region of Bruxelles-Capitale and aims at transforming the Brussels economy into a decarbonated, regenerative, and circular economy. This week took place to gather Brussels stakeholders who are involved in the matter in order to push further the development of the city’s economy which have the power to answer tomorrow's sustainable challenges and set the example for the path to follow.
During the Circular Economy Day on the 21stof November, Watt4Ever exhibited a stand within the "Villages de produits et services circulaires" [1] to connect withthe different stakeholders and presented the projects’ work at the Conference organised by BeCircular [2]. This Conference on circular economy focused on the Call for projects BeCircular while underlining five projects’ testimonies.
Watt4Ever  is actively involved in our project and in our sister-project RHINOCEROS, where their expertise on battery dismantling, state-of-health assessment and 2nd life battery assembly is key to the success of our projects!

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